Do you buy and sell stocks? To evaluate your buying and selling decisions when investing, you probably use fundamental as well as technical analysis. You can probably get help from your broker for that. But keeping track of price charts and your investment portfolio on your own also has advantages. Then you need regularly updated stock quotes. With the program QuoteStocker you can easily download many stock quotes.
Indices From Dow Jones to Bovespa
QuoteStocker allows you to download quotes from many different stock markets. From today’s AEX quotes to the historical quotes of the Dow Jones and stock prices from Mexico, depending on your download source. Would you like to download the historical stock market quotes of one share, mutual fund, index, future or currency? With just a few clicks you have made your choice. And start the download. Once you have downloaded your quotes, after conversion they are saved in the format (ASCII) of your technical analysis software.
Flexible Conversion to Any Format
QuoteStocker supports all technical analysis software formats (ASCII). The program now offers thirteen preset shortcuts for technical analysis software. In addition, you can set any format you like. Despite the many possibilities, QuoteStocker is easy to use. Start the program and with one click you can download the stock quotes you want. You can then load them directly into your technical analysis software.
Easy downloading with download lists
By default, QuoteStocker comes with a large number of codes for downloading stock quotes. Clearly divided into separate download lists per stock exchange and per index. So you can quickly choose a stock exchange or index whose quotes you want to download. It does not matter whether it is the AEX, the BEL-20, the IBEX-35, the Dow Jones Industrial Average or the Bovespa of Brazil.
There are currently 18 separate download lists included. These are focused on Euronext (Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt) and the US (S&P-500 and Nasdaq). In addition, you can add an unlimited number of your own download lists. How many and how fast you can download depends on your download source. QuoteStocker can download quotes from four different sources.
Respond quickly to developments
Read interesting news about a fund you weren’t already tracking with your technical analysis software? Launch QuoteStocker, select the fund from the download list (or add it to the list) and download its historical quotes over several years. After loading the quotes into your technical analysis software, you can immediately draw support and resistance lines, assess indicators and create a new investment plan. In this way, QuoteStocker increases your investment opportunities. You can now react even faster to new developments.
Interested in QuoteStocker? You can order the software right now. Or download the free trial version first.