Here you will find an overview of the download lists provided with QuoteStocker. In one click you have selected a list. The second click starts the download. You can also add an unlimited number of download lists yourself. Download all lists included with QuoteStocker here.
The name of the download list refers to an index and to the download source. Only the two with ‘All’ give all funds to the respective exchange. The download source is important because specific codes can be used. The last three lists have US in the name. These are US funds that use the same (universal) code across all download sources.
- Alpha V. AEX;
- Alpha V. AMX;
- Alpha V. ASCX;
- Alpha V. BEL-20;
- MktStack AEX;
- MktStack Amsterdam-All;
- MktStack AMX;
- MktStack ASCX;
- MktStack BEL-20;
- MktStack Brussel-All;
- MktStack DAX-30;
- US Dow Jones Ind. Av.;
- US NASDAQ-100;
- US S&P-500.
There are currently four download sources in QuoteStocker:
- Alpha Vantage. Quotes from lots of stock markets. 25 downloads per day for free;
- Market Data. Currently quotes from US funds only. 100 downloads per day free;
- Market Stack. Quotes from 70 different stock exchanges. 100 downloads per month free;
- Tiingo. Currently only quotes from US funds. 1000 downloads per day free.
This is just a brief summary of the capabilities of the different providers. You can get a free account with all four and enter the API key in QuoteStocker. Then you can try all four download sources. There is no limit to the length of a free account.

Account settings QuoteStocker.
Interested in QuoteStocker? You can order the software right now. Or download the free trial version first.