Release 4.2.1 (February 2025)
- Update: MarketStack API v2 implemented (v1 will be removed by Market Stack).
- Fixed: Compatibility with Windows 7.
- Fixed: Bug in command line while downloading quotes from yesterday.
- Improved: Searching for codes in the ‘Edit Download List’ window.
- Other minor improvements.
Release 4.2.0 (January 2025)
- New: EODHD as download source.
- New: Automatic check for updates.
- Fixed: Program freeze with format “YYYY-MM-DD”.
Release 4.1.2 (December 2024)
- Fixed: bug in converting date format “YYYY-MM-DD”.
- Improved: standard limit of 100 days increased to 1,000 days for Market Stack.
Release 4.1.1 (December 2024)
- Improved: Made some changes in the ‘Schedule’ window to reduce anti-virus false positives.
- Fixed: Error in conversion with (disappearing) decimal separator.
- Fixed: Conversion error with Tiingo quotes in certain cases.
- Solved: ascending/descending sorting with ‘All in one file’.
Release 4.1.0 (December 2024, not public)
- Added: Latest quotes. Intraday prices for US stocks with Market Data, Market Stack and Tiingo.
- New: Automatic cleaning of old error logs.
- Update: Help function.
- Improved: removed trailing zeros in the data.
- Fixed: bug in command line.
- Fixed: some minor bugs.
Release 4.0.1 (November 2024, not public)
- Fixed: bug with folder check and folder creation.
- Fixed: date selection for historical dates.
- Fixed: bug with ascending dates in certain cases.
As of release 4.0, there is a major change in download resources.
Release 4.0.0 (November 2024, not public)
- Removed: Yahoo as download source.
- Added: Market Data, Market Stack and Tiingo as download source.
- Added: ticker search for Alpha Vantage and Tiingo.
- Added: adjusted quotes in the premium for Alpha Vantage account.
- New: the window position is remembered.
- Improved: the ‘Edit Download List’ window starts with the same selected list as the main window.
- Improved: download speed of Alpha Vantage.
- Improved: conversion of Alpha Vantage downloads.
- Improved: file location of download lists and settings file.
- Solved: some bugs, also in the command line function.
Release 3.8.0 (April 2023)
- New: created a workaround for the invalid Yahoo cookie;
- New: more feedback on download progress;
- New: save/discard what was downloaded after hitting the ‘stop’ button;
- Updated: help function.
Release 3.7.1 (January 2023)
- Minor improvement: Yahoo cookie problem, but unfortunately not completely fixed;
- Fixed: “Run Time Error, Subscript out of range” bug when closing the program..
Release 3.7.0 (December 2022)
- Fixed: Yahoo cookie issue.
- Removed: IEX Cloud functionality because the free functionality was removed.
Release 3.6.0 (April 2021)
- New: many additional downloads via IEX Cloud (company information, splits, dividends, news, exchanges, exchange-symbols, crypto currency and detailed credit usage;
- Improved: error checking in download lists;
- Improved: robustness against Yahoo server problems;
- Improved: efficiency, no ‘download request’ when code is missing;
- Fixed: occasional errors due to empty downloads;
- Fixed: minor problem with the name of the downloaded raw file;
- Fixed: occasional startup error.
Release 3.5.0 (January 2021)
- Updated: new IEX download format;
- Improved: more efficient use of IEX Cloud messages;
- Improved: download of latest quotes with Yahoo results now in data for one date only (better filtering);
- Improved: sorting of data.
Release 3.4.5 (October 2020)
- Improved: fewer ‘missed’ funds on downloads;
- Fixed: startup error in command line mode in some situations;
- Fixed: ‘non-response’ after creating a new download list;
- Improved: error checking in download lists and more robustness against long lists.
Release 3.4.4 (May 2020)
- Solved: bug in conversion with comma as decimal separator.
Release 3.4.3 (March 2020)
- Solved: bug in downloading ‘Latest quotes’.
Release 3.4.2 (March 2020)
- Solved: empty Yahoo downloads.
Release 3.4.1 (January 2020)
- Solved: Conversion issues due to Yahoo download format;
- Improved: Minor improvement in user interface of ‘Edit Download List’.
Release 3.4.0 (January 2020)
- New: Save all download data to 1 file;
- New: Use download list name as file name;
- New: Possibility to change the name of the download list (‘Edit Download List’ window);
- New: Possibility to delete a download list (‘Edit Download List’ window);
- New: Prelesect for VisionExpert conversion;
- Updated: added ‘header text’ for ‘EffectenBeheer Yahoo Historisch’ preselect;
- Fixed: visibility of the ‘Save files in separate folders’ checkbox.
Release 3.3.2 (July 2019)
- Updated: IEX as download source has moved to ‘IEX Cloud‘ and now requires an API key (token). There is a new field in the settings to enter your personal API key;
- New: 2 new preselects for ‘Effectenbeheer’;
- Solved: minor bug, causing problems with certain downloads of individual funds;
- Solved: bug causing errors in Windows 10;
- Solved: bug that did not download the last item in the download list;
- Solved: minor bug with settings after a new installation.
Release 3.3.1 (March 2019)
- Solved: bug with downloading after new installation;
- Solved: 2nd bug with saving certain filenames containing reserved characters or words.
Release 3.3.0 (March 2019)
- New: command line option for automatic downloading of multiple lists and dates;
- Solved: bug in downloading latest quotes;
- Solved: bug with saving certain filenames containing reserved characters or words.
Release 3.2.2 (January 2019)
- Solved: 2 bugs with conversion (introduced in release 3.1.1) that resulted in very limited downloads;
- Solved: bug in some conversions with a comma as decimal seperator;
- Solved: bug with added header in combination with appending files;
- Solved: bug with appending files in combination with some output formats.
Release 3.2.1 (December 2018)
- Improved: accuracy of date setting in historical quotes.
Release 3.2.0 (December 2018)
- Improved: automatic deletion of invalid Yahoo cookie(s), (new method);
- New: adjustable date range similar to Yahoo when downloading via IEX and Alpha Vantage;
- New: ‘latest quotes‘ also available for IEX and Alpha Vantage downloads;
- New: the option to save saving downloaded files in separate folders;
- Improved: some minor improvements.
Release 3.1.1 (November 2018)
- Solved: serious bug in conversion of Alpha Vantage downloads;
- Changed: StockVisor preselect setting ‘ascending dates’;
- Improved: some minor improvements.
Release 3.1.0 (November 2018)
- Added: default download folder for StockVisor (if present);
- Added: output format preselect for MetaTrader 4;
- Added: some more output date formats (“YYYY.MM.DD”, “YY.MM.DD”, “MM.DD.YYYY”, “DD.MM.YYYY”);
- Added: text column with 00:00 in the output format;
- Improved: cookie handling on Windows 10;
- Improved: DPI scaling on Windows 10 and high resolution monitors;
- Improved: some minor enhancements.
Release 3.0.1 (October 2018)
- Solved: bug when downloading some funds via IEX;
- Solved: crash during scheduled downloads;
- Solved: disappearing buttons and other items in the main window on Windows 10.
Release 3.0 (September 2018)
- New: Added two additional download sources, IEX and Alpha Vantage.
Release 2.3.2 (September 2018)
- Improved: closing the program after an invalid cookie.
Release 2.3.1 (August 2018)
- Solved: minor bug in the default settings;
- Added: non-selectable option for running on Mac computers.
Release 2.3.0 (August 2018)
- New: option to save the non-converted downloaded file;
- Added: detection of invalid cookies;
- Solved: bug with ascending/descending date sorting;
- Improved: minor improvement in error logging.
Release 2.2.0 (May 2018)
- Fixed: problems with internet connection causing failed downloads.
- Fixed: bug with static filename.
- Improved: download dates in Historical Quotes.
Release 2.1.1 (February 2018)
- Fixed: Bug. Yahoo! cookies can be manually deleted from the ‘Settings’ window. Deleting cookies may resolve some download issues.
Release 2.1.0 (January 2018)
- Fixed: ‘Latest quotes’ download;
- Updated: Help function.
Release 2.0.4 (August 2017)
- Fixed: switched ‘Adjusted Close’ and ‘Close’.
Release 2.0.3 (July 2017)
- Fixed: file naming, code in filename follows code in converted file;
- Fixed: ‘Adjusted Close’ switched when ‘Close’;
- Added: weekday is displayed when cursor is over historical data;
- Improved: date calculation of download dates in historical quotes.
Release 2.0.2 (June 2017)
- Fixed: ‘close’ accidentally set to zero.
Release 2.0.1 (June 2017)
- Improved: calculation of dates for downloading historical quotes;
- Fixed: switch between Adjusted Close and Close prices;
- Fixed: empty filename when downloading a single fund.
Release 2.0 (June 2017)
- Repaired: downloading of quotes after changes at Yahoo!.
Release 1.5.1 (March 2017)
- Repaired: bug in ‘ascending quotes’ setting;
- Improved: handling of filenames when ‘Append’ is selected.
Release 1.5.0 (February 2017)
- Improved: appending files now sorts the dates;
- Improved: default values after installation;
- Fixed: bug in appending quotes with semicolon as delimiter;
- Fixed: bug with comma as decimal separator setting on startup;
- Fixed: rare bug after installation.
Release 1.4.4 (January 2017)
- Solved: bug in file name if only ‘name’ is selected (in ‘Settings’);
- Fixed: bug in conversion of downloaded data.
Release 1.4.3 (January 2016)
- Solved: bug with converting ‘Latest quotes’;
- Fixed: bug with historical dates in case QuoteStocker is started on January 1st.
Release 1.4.2 (December 2015)
- Fixed: bug with a short download list in the free trial version.
Release 1.4.1 (December 2015)
- Fixed: no file extension in some cases;
- Fixed: Minor bug.
Release 1.4.0 (June 2015)
- New: Output format with semicolon as delimiter and comma as decimal point;
- Fixed: Minor bug in file names.
Release 1.3.0 (April 2015)
- New: more filename options;
- New: Automatic integrity check and correction of the integrity of the download lists;
- Updated: help function;
- Fixed: a few minor bugs in settings.
Release 1.2.5 (February 2015)
- Fixed: second bug in date conversion;
Release 1.2.4 (February 2015)
- Fixed: bug in date conversion;
- Fixed: translation of a message.
Release 1.2.3 (January 2015)
- Fixed: Bug with conversion of data with additional text (like: ‘D’);
- Fixed: Appearance of ‘Messages’-frame at settings.
Release 1.2.2 (January 2015)
- New: added stock code to the file names;
- Speed improvements in processing downloaded data;
- Solved bug with appending files;
- Solved a bug which occurred with identical fund names;
- Release number is now visible in the settings window;
- Fixed a few minor bugs.
Release 1.2.1 (December 2014)
- New: logging of funds that did not download any data;
- New: option to disable pop-ups;
- Solved two minor bugs.
Release 1.2.0 (July 2014)
- Adapted to Windows Vista, 7 and 8 theme, solving a bug with the aero theme;
- Added robustness in conversion;
- Added robustness to contents of download lists;
- Repaired error message functionality;
- Solved minor stability issues.
Release 1.1.1 (May 2014)
- New: ‘Tab’ as delimiter in the downloaded data;
- Solved: bug with the |-delimiter when downloading historical quotes;
- Repaired: message in the free version;
- Repaired: bug with saving new path for downloads.
Release 1.1.0 (January 2014)
- New: cleanup of data files in combination with the append function;
- New: Scheduled download at a fixed time;
- New: Automatic download start at a fixed time;
- Improved progress bar;
- Minor bugs solved.
Release 1.0.16 (October 2013)
- Added: support for storage on diskette;
- Solved: bug that sometimes occurred after a new installation;
- Fixed: small bug that sometimes caused unreliable downloads;
- Improved: installation on Windows 7 and 8.
Release 1.0.15 (April 2013)
- New: ability to add a header to the downloaded files;
- New: ability to to merge downloaded files with existing files;
- Solved: two bugs that occurred when downloading ‘latest quotes’;
- Updated: the help function.
Release 1.0.14 (March 2013)
- Solved: bug when saving the ‘ascending dates’ setting.
Release 1.0.13 (February 2013)
- Improved: the window layout for high resolution monitors;
- Solved: bug in filling date drop-down boxes on startup;
- Solved: bug in remembering the last download setting.
Release 1.0.12 (September 2012)
- Solved: startup bug.
Release 1.0.11 (August 2012)
- New: ability to write dates in ascending or descending order;
- Solved: bug.
Release 1.0.10 (May 2012)
- Optimization of the main window and the settings window.
Release 1.0.9 (March 2012)
- New: possibility to use a fixed file name;
- New: possibility to group quotes by date or by fund;
- Wider main window;
- Fixed: bug in date format for ‘latest quotes’.
Release 1.0.8 (November 2011)
- Solved two bugs.
Release 1.0.7 (August 2011)
- Changed popup text when there are no latest quotes.
Release 1.0.6 (January 2011)
- Solved: small bug.
Release 1.0.5 (November 2010)
- Solved: bug when downloading an single fund.
Release 1.0.4 (October 2010)
- New: timer download;
- Solved: issue regarding “insufficient data”;
- Solved: bug when typing dates instead of selecting them from the drop down boxes.
Release 1.0.3 (Juli 1010)
- Improved the colors on Windows 7;
- Download of historical quotes up to 18 year.
Release 1.0.2 (April 2010)
- Solved: small bug in the free version.
Release 1.0.1 (February 2010)
- Solved: startup bug;
- Changes in the English help text.
Interested in QuoteStocker? You can order the software right now. Or download the free trial version first.